Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Writing Blog

I followed the blog because the girl who has this blog, Cally Taylor, writes books about romance and suspense. She is from the United Kingdom, and her first book Heaven Can Wait was written in 13 different languages. She is currently working on her fourth book.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Harrison Bergeron Comparison

There are similarities and differences between the movie and short story in our english book about the story of Harrison Bergeron. The movie was very much not how I imagined it in my head while I was reading the story, but I did think the movie was good.
I noticed many similar things from the story that were in the movie. Some of the things that I noticed were the same was that the reporter had a bad stutter without his handicaps. I thought Harrison was described the same overall, and how he broke into the ballerina performance.
There were many different things compared to the movie and the story. A few of the things I picked out during the movie was George seemed more distracted in the movie than in the story. Harrison also did not have a bomb when he came in to the ballerina performance. The "bomb" was not an actual bomb it was just something to turn the cameras back on while he was proving a point. In the story, Hazel was the one who started crying when Harrison got shot on live TV, but in the movie it was George. Also, the TV was off air in the story, and the TV was on when Harrison was shot.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Harrison Bergeron Speech

Kaylee Flaagan
Miss Fordahl
English 10
November 19, 2013
Harrison Bergeron
When I think of a short story with something I can relate to, I think of Harrison Bergeron. This story in particular, has stuck out to me very much. It is a very easy story to relate to, and makes you think. In this little speech, I will be talking about the author himself, how the story reflects on today's society, and what I think the people in the story are actually feeling towards everything.
Why do you think the author of the story, Kurt Vonnegut, chose to write about this particular story? Kurt is known as one of the most acclaimed satiric writers in America. Kurt wrote this short story because he likes to write about wars, brutality, and fear of technology. The main idea of this story does not really fall into any of these categories, but yet it does. Kurt tries to tell is how everyone should be equal. There should not be competition in who is prettiest or who is the smartest. Everyone should be equal.
This story compared to today, is very different. Nobody is different these days, everyone is different. Everybody wants to be different, nobody wants to be the same. How would any of you feel to have the same amount of intelligence as the person next to you? Would you like to be “equal in every which way?” as Kurt states in the story. Everyone wants to have their own way of standing out to someone, and being special.
All these people affected in this short story are feeling different towards all this sameness. I personally would not like to be like George and have a government transmitter to keep him from not getting smarter than the others since he is very smart. What kind of life would it be to be so smart but then get something like George and be the same as everyone else? There are ups and downs of being the same as the other people. Some positives would be how there would not be any competition with anyone, everyone would look alike, and even act alike. There would not be any weirdness or no one could be called ugly. Some of the downs would be how no one could be themselves, or be special in their own way. No one could also have amounts of intelligence or for example be more athletic than anyone else.
Overall, the author wanted to express how the world would be like if everyone was the same. He wanted to make us think of the ways it would be different and how we would react to it. He also wants us to think about if we would rather have it to be different like we are now, or to be the same as everyone else. As I said I would be both ways for many reasons. Thank you for listening.